Herbal Gardens
Come Garden with us!

Shared gardeners celebrate preparing the ground for winter slumber.

The Forest St. Community Gardens - Season Close
Second Tuesday of Nov. or when freezing temps/snow are here to stay

Winterize your garden plot and shared garden spaces by the second Tuesday of November - gardeners must winterize to be able to re-new/re-join gardens for the next season. November's 2nd Tuesday doesn't mean that you are closed out of the gardens. Many of your greens, brussel sprouts, root vegetables, and other cool weather crops tolerate cold temperatures and light frosts feel free to nurture and harvest from these plants until winter is here to stay..

Winterize the Gardens

Remove all annual and non-producing plants, weeds, and debris in your plot.
Place weeds in the weed compost bin. Place stalky materials (corn, sunflower, broccoli, kale and other brassica stems) in the stalk compost bin. All other plant material can be placed in the compost pile or stuffed in green bags for regular removal. You can also chop and break up organic material into your plot to help build your soil (includes leaves, plants, and green tomatoes). These materials must be incorporated into the soil and not left on top.
Please leave your plot tidy for the winter by removing all trash, debris, trellising materials, plastic containers, etc. Trellising and tomato cages can be stored behind the shed in a tidy fashion. Do not store personal items.
Weed and mulch any perennials or late-season crops in your plot/shared garden spaces.
You may leave late-season crops (e.g. kale, carrots, garlic) in your plot as long as they are still producing. Leave dead perennial flower stems intact over winter for pollinator habitat.
Weed the paths around your plot. All weeds, including roots, should be pulled from garden pathways and placed in the green bags or weed compost bin.

Planning for Next Season

Are you already planning for next year? That's great! If you gardened with us this year and winterized your garden plot and helped with the shared garden close up - you're welcome to reserve the same garden plot next spring! Important note: All gardeners must confirm their intent to return to their garden plot at the end of the growing season.

If you would like to switch plots please email and let us know. Please do NOT fill out a new online plot application.

Plant - Nurture - Harvest
2010 - 2023
Contact us today!